
Here is a presentation of the subsidiaries of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ).


You will find information on the following subsidiaries: Ecster AB, EFN Ekonomikanalen AB, Handelsbanken Finans AB, Handelsbanken Fonder AB, Handelsbanken Liv AB, Handelsbanken Market Securities, Inc., Handelsbanken plc, Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Ltd, Optimix Vermogensbeheer NV and Stadshypotek AB. 

Ecster AB

Ecster AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken. The company offers payment solutions for e-commerce and physical stores. Ecster is represented locally throughout Sweden and Finland.


Benny Johansson, Chairman
Agneta Lilja
Mikael Wenngren
Åsa Holtman Öhman, Employee representative


Mikael Wenngren, CEO
Johan Näslund, Chief Financial Officer,
Stefan Samuelsson, Chief Credit Officer
Jari Kollani Chief Operating Officer, Finland
Eva Gabrielsson, Head of HR

Contact details

Head office:
Valhallavägen 195
Stockholm, Sweden

Postal address:
Box 2169
SE-115 53 Stockholm

Website: Opens in a new window

EFN Ekonomikanalen AB

EFN Ekonomikanalen AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken. The company produces economic and financial news. EFN is a registered trademark and the editorial content is published and distributed by EFN. EFN is the provider and appoints publishers for all content available on

Its programme activities come under the supervision of the Swedish Consumer Ombudsman, the Swedish Broadcasting Authority (along with the Swedish Broadcasting Commission for radio and television) and the Swedish Chancellor of Justice.


Johan Lagerström, Chair
Pernilla Eldestrand
Martin Jansson
Ulf Köping-Höggård
Carina Lundefors
Carolina Myhrberg


Maria Nordin-Wessman, CEO
Leo Lagercrantz, Publisher responsible under Swedish law

Contact details


Blasieholmstorg 12
SE-106 70 Stockholm

Corporate identity no: 


Website: Opens in a new window

Handelsbanken Finans AB

Handelsbanken Finans is a wholly owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken. Handelsbanken Finans is in charge of a settlement portfolio consisting of structured leasing products.


Peter Carlberg, Chairman
Nicklas Grip
Tommy Holmqvist
Malin Lignell
David Haqvinsson 


Henrik Franzén, CEO
Charlotta Reuterving, CFO

Anti-money laundering

Louise Wadström
Henrik Franzén

Data Protection Officer

Mats Anderfjärd


Tobias Gerner

Contact details

Postal address:
SE-106 70 Stockholm

Corporate identity no:

+46 8 701 10 00

Handelsbanken Fonder AB

Handelsbanken Fonder AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken. The fund company offers more than 110 funds and has over SEK 900 billion in assets under management. 


Daniel Andersson, Chairman
Malin Björkmo, independent board member
Helen Fasth Gillstedt, independent board member
Lars Seiz, independent board member
Åsa Holtman Öhman, Employee representative


Magdalena Wahlqvist Alveskog, CEO
Emma Viotti, Deputy CEO and Head of Products
Carina Roeck Hansen, COO
Katarina Paschal, CIO Active Asset Management
Pär Sjögemark, CIO Passive Asset Management and Asset Allocation
Anna Larris, Head of Legal and Sustainability
Fredrik Köster, Head of Legal
Monika Jenks, Head of Compliance
Fredrik Alheden, Head of Risk Control
Aurora Samuelsson, Head of Sustainability
Stefan Blomé, Head of Sales   

Management Company's auditor   
Elected at the Annual General Meeting
PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, Peter Nilsson

Policy documents, guidelines and reports 
Follow our work Opens in a new window

Contact details

Postal address:
SE-106 70 Stockholm

Corporate identity no:

+46 8 701 10 00


The fund management company is a member of the Swedish Investment Fund Association and follows the Swedish Code of Conduct for fund management companies applicable from 2005.

Handelsbanken Fonder Opens in a new window (in Swedish only)

Handelsbanken Liv Försäkringsaktiebolag

Handelsbanken Liv is Handelsbanken's life insurance company and is a wholly owned subsidiary. We provide insurance policies in all of Handelsbanken’s branches around Sweden, and our vision is to contribute to more secure lives and a better future. We have approximately SEK 250 billion under management, and work, through sustainable investments, to provide good returns for our customers – financial yield and environmental progress, as well as stability and security.


Dan Lindwall, Chairman
Katarina Berner Frösdal
Kajsa Bohr
Viveka Classon 
Magnus Hanson  
Anders Ohlner
Ann-Christin Thorsell, Employee representative


Tobias Lindhe, CEO
Mattias Sandholm, Deputy CEO
Joachim Ales, Head of operations
Tommy Holmqvist, Head of Finance
Linda Hellström, Head of Legal and product
Elin Nygårdh, Head of Human Resources

Reports and presentation      
Policy for responsible investments (pdf) Opens in a new window     
Policy for sustainability (pdf) Opens in a new window

Contact details

Postal address:
Box 1325
SE-111 83 Stockholm

+46 8 701 71 00


Website: (Swedish)
Handelsbanken Liv Opens in a new window

Handelsbanken Market Securities, Inc.

Handelsbanken Market Securities, Inc. is a Handelsbanken subsidiary formed in 1995.  In the United States it acts as broker in Nordic equities and as a distributor of Handelsbanken research.


Peter Grabe, Chairman
Martin Blåvarg
Ken Murakami
Micaela Grimm
Tamara Hunter


Micaela Grimm, President

Contact details

Postal address:

900 Third Avenue
New York, New York

+1 212 838 5200

Handelsbanken Market Securities is registered with the SEC and is a FINRA member firm. 

Handelsbanken plc

On 1 December 2018, Handelsbanken transferred its UK business into a new, wholly-owned subsidiary of its main Swedish company, Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ). Handelsbanken plc is a fully-authorised UK bank, replacing the pre-existing UK branch. By establishing a wholly-owned UK subsidiary, we are strengthening our foundations for future growth, and showing our ongoing commitment to offering local relationship banking in communities across the UK. 


Mikael Sørensen, Excecutive Director and CEO
Mikael Hallåker, Chairman
Agneta Lilja, Chair of the Board Nomination Committee
Maureen Laurie, Senior Independent Director
John Ellacott, Chair of the Board Audit Committee
Margaret Willis, Independent Non-Executive Director
Patricia Jackson, Independent Non-Executive Director
Martin Björnberg, Executive Director
Mikael Ericson, Independent Non-Executive Director 


Mikael Sørensen, CEO
Martin Björnberg, CFO
Chris Teasdale, Chief Branch Officer
Rob Clifford, Chief Digital Officer
Pernille Sahl Taylor, Chief Communications Officer
Suzanne Minifie, Chief Digital Officer
Angela Dowd, Chief Product Owner
Matthew Handley, Chief Risk Officer
Simon Bradley, Chief Credit Officer
Anthony Brigginshaw, Chief Information Officer
Jaimita Tailor, Chief Compliance Officer
Bernie Charles, Chief Human Resources Officer
Graham Turner, CEO Handelsbankens Wealth & Asset Management

Contact details

3 Thomas More Square 
London E1W 1WY 
Great Britain 

+44 20 7578 8000

Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited

Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited (previously Heartwood Wealth Management Limited) has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken since 2013 and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It has been owned by the Bank’s UK subsidiary Handelsbanken plc since 2018. Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management provides advice and wealth management to private individuals, corporates, charities and private offices.


Richard Charnock, Chair
Matt Handley, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Peter McCree, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Michael Broom, Non-Executive Director
John Ellacott – Independent Non-Executive Director


Matt Handley, Chief Executive Officer
Graham Bishop, Chief Investment Officer
PK Patel, Head of Wealth Management
Peter McCree, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Marc Wood, Head of Fund Governance & Oversight, CEO Handelsbanken Authorised Corporate Director Ltd
Selina Gayle, Head of Compliance
Louise Kingston, Head of Risk
Kate Macdonald, Acting Head of Human Resources
Kanene Nwodika, Head of Finance

Contact details

Postal address:
No.1 Kingsway
London WC2B 6AN
United Kingdom

+44 20 7045 1320 

FCA number:

The company is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the conduct of investment business. 

Optimix Vermogensbeheer NV

Optimix Vermogensbeheer NV is a Dutch wealth manager and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken. Optimix operates under its own brand name and is responsible for all wealth management activities of Handelsbanken in the Netherlands. 


Suzanne Bos, Chairman
Pär Sjögemark
Gert van Wakeren


Jaap Westerling, Manager
Patricia Schwalbach – Manager
Jelte de Boer – Manager, Head of Investments

Contact details

Postal address:
Johannes Vermeerstraat 14
NL-1071 DR Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 20 570 30 30


Stadshypotek AB

Stadshypotek AB is Handelsbanken's mortgage institute. The company dates back to 1865. Since 1997, Stadshypotek has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Handelsbanken. 

Policy for remuneration, suitability assessment and competence requirements (pdf) Opens in a new window
Debt investor archive 
Reports and presentations
Articles of association Stadshypotek AB (pdf) Opens in a new window


Dan Lindwall Chairman 
Michael Bertorp
Linda Hellström
Jörgen Olander
Michael Sterne
Helena Håkansson, Employee representative   


Cecilia Hasselbo CEO
Mikael Otterbjörk, Credits
Mattias Lidgren, Funding
Carolina Bornudd Kivitalo, corporate management and risk management
Magnus Skaaden, Accounting and control
Niklas Eklund, Business development and market
Anna Österman, Property valuation
Peter Fahlstedt, administration and risk management
Christine Werbro, HR

Contact details

Street address:
Torsgatan 12-14
Stockholm, Sweden

Postal address:
SE-103 70 Stockholm

+46 8 701 54 00