About the Group
Annual General Meeting
Corporate governance
Articles of association
Nomination committee
Policy documents and guidelines
Remuneration to executive officers
The Swedish code of corporate governance
The Board
Executive Team
Our story
Investor relations
The share
The share in numbers
The share monitor
Sell-side analysts
Share calculator
The shareholders
Reports and presentations
Debt investors
Debt investor archive
Press and media
Press releases and news
Media bank
Our role in society
Our climate impact
Responsible investments
Responsible financing
Our sustainability goals
The Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainability governance
Our services
Personal banking
Corporate banking
Large corporates
Global digital services
Handelsbanken Global Gateway
Secure file transfer
Financial institutions
Switch to
Our services
Digital services
Global Gateway
Other/local formats
Other/local formats
Implementation guidelines
Account statements
CSV Balance report
Opens in a new window
CSV Transactions
Opens in a new window
Example files
CSV Balance report one account TXT example
CSV Balance report one account XLS example
CSV Balance report six account TXT example
CSV Balance report six account XLS example
CSV Transaction report Norwegian account TXT example
CSV Transaction report Norwegian account XLS example
CSV Transaction report Swedish account TXT example
CSV Transaction report Swedish account XLS example
CashPool formats
CashPool NGA interest information (CSV)
Opens in a new window
CashPool NGA customer-internal interest information (CSV)
Opens in a new window
CashPool NGA interest information (positional flatfile)
Opens in a new window
CashPool NGA customer-internal interest information (positional flatfile)
Opens in a new window
Example files
CashPool NGA interest information (CSV) example
CashPool NGA customer-internal interest information (CSV) example
CashPool NGA interest information (positional flatfile) example
CashPool NGA customer-internal interest information (positional flatfile) example
Other reports
BGC Invoice e-invoices (implementation guideline – in
BGC Invoice e-invoices (xsl)
BGC Invoice e-invoices (xsl validator)
CSV Swish report
Opens in a new window
CSV Swishrapport (in Swedish)
Opens in a new window
CSV kortinlösen (in Swedish)
Opens in a new window
CSV Credit advice incoming cross-border payments (Sweden)
Opens in a new window
CSV Kreditavisering utlandsbetalningar (in Swedish)
Opens in a new window
CSV Debit advice cross-border payments (Sweden)
Opens in a new window
CSV Debetavisering utlandsbetalningar (in Swedish)
Opens in a new window
CSV Confirmation of receipt
Opens in a new window
CSV Status report
Opens in a new window
Example files
CSV Credit advice cross-border payments TXT example
CSV Credit advice cross-border payments XLS example
CSV Debit advice currency account TXT example
CSV Debit advice currency account XLS example
CSV Debit advice debit SEK account TXT example
CSV Debit advice debit SEK account XLS example
CSV Debit advice debit SEK account with exchange TXT example
CSV Debit advice debit SEK account with exchange XLS example
CSV Status report MT101 TXT example
CSV Status report MT101 XLS example
Swish report comma-separated example
Swish report semi colon-separated example
Swish report comma-separated intraday example
Swish report semi colon-separated intraday example
Norwegian local formats
Telepay (Bankenes